All registered undergraduate students enrolled in 12 or more credit hours and graduate, professional or web-based students taking 8 or more credit hours are automatically enrolled in this insurance plan at registration, unless proof of comparable coverage is furnished.
International and Intensive English Language students are automatically enrolled in this insurance plan at registration.
Visiting Scholars and Special Summer students are eligible to enroll in this insurance plan.
Eligible students who do enroll may also insure their Dependents. Eligible Dependents are the student's legal spouse and dependent children under 26 years of age.
The student (Name Insured, as defined in the Certificate) must actively attend classes for at least the first 31 days after the date for which coverage is purchased. The Company maintains its right to investigate eligibility or student status and attendance records to verify that the Policy eligibility requirements have been met. If and whenever the Company discovers that the Policy eligibility requirements have not been met, its only obligation is refund of premium.